Volunteer with Catsnip

Are you wanting to help in some way with the spaying/neutering of community cats?

Complete and submit the form below to contact us for some like-minded conversation and find out how you can help with the TNR program. Volunteer opportunities require as little as one hour of your time a week, or you could join us in an activity that occurs once a week or once a month… and make some new human and feline friends in the bargain!

Ways to Help:

  • Delivering/picking up of traps
  • Fostering kittens or cats
  • Fundraising
  • Grant writing
  • Sewing/Repairs of trap covers
  • Transporting cats to/from clinic or rescues
  • Trap repair and maintenance
  • Website maintenance

Just to name a few! And always, we appreciate conversation and suggestions that can help the cats… because it is all about the cats. Please check us out!​

*All minors must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

Volunteer Form